Disney's 2018 Princess 5k | runDisney Princess Half Marathon Weekend
Race Recaps runDisney

Disney’s 2018 Princess 5k | Princess Half Marathon Weekend

Happy Valentine’s everyone! And nope, that’s not a typo. This is about the 2018 Disney’s Princess 5k that happened nearly a year ago. Sigh. I absolutely love writing race recaps … not only are they informative for others but it’s also a wonderful way for me to remember my experience! A digital scrapbook of sorts, one I can look back on years from now, like Jackey and I did in Podcast Episode 64 where we read our blog posts from our first WDW Goofy Challenge.

Plus, while video recaps are amazing, you don’t get the story behind the images. And while podcast episodes are informative, you don’t get the images. Blog recaps are a fantastic merge of both.

Unfortunately … I haven’t done a great job keeping up with content in the past year. It started last March when Joyful Miles went through a transition and I had to focus on other things. Then we did the Star Wars Half Marathon. Then I had a busy spring race schedule followed by a chaotic summer. Then Jackey and I did a quick YOLO Disney trip in September, Wine & Dine in November, and WDW Marathon Weekend in January with all these race footage piling up, waiting to be made into recaps. Add to the mix me taking over with podcast editing duties and a whopping amount of procrastination and there you go, my reason for being so far behind.

This past week, however, I’ve been DETERMINED to get caught up with video recaps from last year’s PHM. I mean, I just have to because we had so much fun and if I don’t put these memories out before the 2019 race, then it will be too late. As a bonus, however, they’re making me super excited about leaving for Disney next week!

Now, as for blog posts? Writing them the way I want to … with lots of details and images, just ain’t gonna happen. Bit of a bummer … I just read through my 2018 Fit for a Princess and Arrival Day posts over coffee and found myself smiling. But I have to focus on other things … like finishing costumes and packing. (Sigh, why am I always late???)

Not have ANY kind of PHM blog recap after doing them for five previous years feels naked, however. So I set my timer for thirty minutes to slam down this post, if only to make me feel better. For more details, here’s our podcast episode:

And here’s my video recap that I’m so happy to finally have done!!

And now, here’s….

5 Things I loved about the 2018 Disney’s Princess 5k

  1. The fact that our suitcases finally arrived at 11:30pm the night prior, something I talk about in more detail in my expo post! Whew, gotta say there was some stress going on although it would have been humorous if we did, in fact, do the 5k in our Home tee-shirts and flip flops.
  2. Getting there EARLY, allowing us time to get some character photos! As far as I can remember, I don’t think we got a picture with each princess. You need to be at security before the line opens up to accomplish that. But we did get ones with Royal Minnie, Jasmine and Ariel.
  3. The weather! After freezing our rears off during the 2018 WDW Marathon Weekend, the warm temps were absolute heaven and it was amazing being able to wear tank tops and shorts for each race!
  4. The characters! So many awesome characters! The lines seemed to be longer than usual, though. Especially for Beast … Kimberly and I really wanted a picture with him but we had to abandon ship and get an over-the-shoulder selfie instead.
  5. OUR GIRLS! There were two young girls in our group who were absolutely amazing! Us gals decided to let them pick which costume they wanted to wear and then we’d split up as their supporting cast. It was so much fun running with Stephanie’s daughter, M, who rocked her first 5k! H also was rockstar as Cinderella! And bonus, we got to spend time with Kimberly who slayed as Rapunzel.

Well, time is up and I begrudgingly have to move on to other tasks. But I’m already excited about setting better boundaries with my time in March, making me able to do more things that I love like writing blog recaps!

Until then, if you’re going to be at the 2019 Disney’s Princess 5k, I hope you have a total blast! We’re skipping it this year for an epic four-park cupcake challenge but I will be cheering you on in spirit!

Thanks for reading, take care, and have a joyful day!

Laura Bowers

Laura is a writer, runner, reader, runDisney addict, blogger, vlogger, wife to an amazing guy for 26 years, mom of two wonderful boys, excellent chili maker, and obsessive list keeper. She still thinks Spice World was an awesome movie and feels no shame about that plus she can quote most lines from Talladega Nights. Shake and bake!

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