Race Recaps

Baltimore Marathon … it’s almost here, hon!

Originally posted at laurabowers.net on October 12, 2015. I’m updating my author website by moving all older runDisney and running content here!


Wow. Hard to believe that the Baltimore Marathon is this Saturday. THIS SATURDAY, I’m so excited!

And nervous.


A little nauseous.

But mostly excited. After see this gorgeous line while going to Baltimore Ravens games at M&T Bank Stadium for … oh, what, around ten years? … I’m finally going to be running the actual marathon!


I had registered for 2014’s full but downgraded to the half marathon. Life was really stressful last summer and I just couldn’t keep up with the stress of training. It was a good thing, however, judging from the UTI that visited me the day prior! But I still had a great time, pain and all.

This year, I’m going for the full she-bang, the King Crab Challenge with includes the Frederick Half Marathon, Baltimore 10-Miler, and the Baltimore Running Festival. So my year so far has included lots of…


… running at my favorite trail with all its crazy elevations, friendly folks, beautiful deer, and Bat Man-like chart figures …


… sweat ponytails and red faces, the reason why I wear makeup at races …


… times when my laundry room looks like this …


… miserable, hideous ice baths that I loath deep down to the core of my soul …

(That’s grilled chicken in the bag, in case you’re curious.)


… awesome moments like finding my son’s name written in chalk …


… no-so awesome but necessary treadmill runs, like the 20-miler I did with A League of Extraordinary Gentlemen because of awful weather and me being sick …


… and tremendous support from my family, like when Bob surprised me by getting Cinderella at a Red Box to make my  last 7.5 miles more fun!

I’m ready. Are you ready? We’re ready. For the expo, for the race, for that gorgeous medal … and hopefully a photo with this lovely lady!

Photo from the Baltimore Sun
Photo from the Baltimore Sun

Hope to see you there!

Laura Bowers

Laura is a writer, runner, reader, runDisney addict, blogger, vlogger, wife to an amazing guy for 26 years, mom of two wonderful boys, excellent chili maker, and obsessive list keeper. She still thinks Spice World was an awesome movie and feels no shame about that plus she can quote most lines from Talladega Nights. Shake and bake!

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