I certainly am! The Glass Slipper Challenge is my only legacy, (meaning, I’ve done every one since it’s 2014 inauguration,) so I whipped out my credit card on Tuesday to register, no questions asked! Many of my pals also registered, with a few more signing up next week during open registration. My fellow blogger, Megan and her daughter will be running the 10k which, I must admit, makes me a tad jealous since my college boys aren’t exactly interested in running with their mom. (I’ve also missed out on Barbies and hair braiding, although my eldest now has a beard that’s long enough to braid.)
Oddly enough, we decided on our 10k costumes months ago whereas we still don’t know what, exactly, we’re wearing for the Disneyland Half’s Dumbo Double Dare in September! Megan has also booked our accommodations at Bay Lake Towers, one of my favs, so now I’m signed up and super psyched!
I was also super psyched to see My No Guilt Life’s annual Princess Half Marathon Race Recap Round Up posted on Tuesday! Her blog is the Grand Poobah of all things Princess and the round up is a great way for first-timers to read different recaps and find out what they’ve gotten themselves into.
(HINT: You’re going to love it!)
Our Joyful Miles recaps are included as well, which was greatly appreciated! So be sure to check it out. And let us know if you’re going to be at the Princess Half Marathon next February. We’d love to meet some readers!
Have a joyful day!