For the 2019 WDW Marathon Weekend, Jackey and I had registered for the full only and we were DETERMINED to NOT sign up for anything else. Nope! Not us, we were holding firm, gonna stay strong and save some money.
But … then Jennalyn showed us pics of her adorable Dalmatian running costume for the WDW 10k. And when I say adorable, I mean seriously super cute. So what did we do? Yep, we pulled out our credit cards and signed up with zero regrets because come on. Seriously super cute!
Need some inspiration for your own Dalmatian costume? Here’s another tutorial post with items Jennalyn had found on Amazon. This outfit isn’t as easy as French Gals & Guys, but it’s less complicated than the Wilderness Explorers. Many thanks, Jennalyn, for letting me share this!

All Amazon links are affiliate links. This doesn’t cost you extra but does give me a small commission to use for Joyful Miles expenses.
What we used, thanks to Jennalyn!
- White tank top
- White tutu (Jennalyn used this dotted tutu but they had sold out so we used plain white and added dots.)
- Dalmatian ears, bowtie, and tail
- Dalmatian socks
- 1.5″ adhesive dots
- Multi-size adhesive dots
- White dotted sunglasses
- White arm sleeves (that we didn’t use)
- White Walmart sweatshirts (that we did use – we got them for $6.67 at the store.)
My first step? The Tutu:
It would have been much easier had we been able to purchase Jennalyn’s dotted tutu, but I was really happy with how our plain white ones looked after adding adhesive dots! I did have to trim off 3″ from the three layers, however, plus stitch the layers together at the top to take away some poof because, wow, the tutu was a bit overwhelming on my frame!
*Tip: If you have to trim yours, leave an extra half inch in the back for booty room. 😉

I attached the dots while standing to get a better feel for the pattern according to how the tulle fell and then I glue-gunned the sides of each dot because they weren’t sticking well. I could have sewn them on with a few stitches so the dots would be removable, allowing me to use the tutu for future costume, but at $10.00, I was okay with buying another and saving time.
My next step? Adding dots to the white tank top.
Had the weather cooperated , we would have worn white tank tops and arm sleeves. Temps weren’t looking good, but in an act of positivity, I still added dots to my tank top while wearing it, seeing as how it’s a snug fit. The dots weren’t sticking to the tech material either so I added a few stitches to each of them as reinforcement. (I left room for the bib and figured I’d add more dots once it was on if need be.)

It ended up being too chilly, however, so the night before the 10k, we added dots to the sweatshirt in our hotel room. The adhesive stuck to the cotton fabric quite well and didn’t need to be glued or stitched. Thank goodness!
The final touch? Cheap white stretch gloves bought at Walmart, hand warmers, long fleece-lined leggings plus the neck warmers Jackey had made out of white fleece with a few dots stuck on! (I need her to do a tutorial one day.) The only thing left to add is tons of laughs!

I hope this tutorial on how to make a Dalmatian group running costume was helpful! Want more costume tips and tutorials? Head on over here! We also have plenty of runDisney tips here on our blog, on our YouTube channel and our podcast! For the full list, go to our runDisney tips page.
Until then, thanks for reading, best of luck with your costume and have a joyful day!