Got goals? Oh yeah, Megan and I have some goals. We chatted about this in her Accountability Quest post by listing what we want to accomplish before the Disney Wine & Dine Half Marathon. Since we both set unrealistic goals, however, (and perfection is impossible,) we have a rule where finishing 50% would be considered a total win!
So how am I doing? Well, seeing as how today’s topic for the Tuesday on the Run Blog Link Up hosted by My No-Guilt Life, Marcia’s Healthy Slice, and MCM Mama Runs is What are your remaining goals for 2016, I thought it’d be a good time to check in with an update!
1.) Finish writing A Year Of Happy Endings.
ON TRACK … KIND OF! I’m doing okay with this goal although taking the time to rework the plot hurt my schedule. Had to be done, though, and considering I swore to never write a novel from multiple points of view like JUST FLIRT, I’m happy with how this book about four unhappy women is turning out! Want to follow my progress? You can read it for free here at Wattpad that’s under my pseudonym seeing as how I’ve been throwing up chapters in a way to motivate myself.
2.) Get caught up with my Book Idea a Day Journal that I started in January, writing one new book idea a day.
3.) Plan and plot my NaNoWriMo novel for National Novel Writing Month in November.
DONE! This was a biggie, so I’m super relieved to have it done. And I’m excited about my project–my very first nonfiction novel.
4.) Give Joyful Miles a much-needed reboot.
Eh, not doing so hot with this one so far. Trying, though.
5.) Pre-Write two months worth of content for Joyful Miles, Write Run Rejoice, and As The Eraser Burns.
ON TRACK! I most of my posts pre-written and planned until the end of the year. Now I just need to work on the other two blogs which will be easier, since I post less there.
6.) Complete the remaining renovation tasks for our beach house at Ocean City.
ON TRACK! Just a few naggy things to do.
7.) Finish decorating our downstairs.
Eh, this will be one I might have to skip since it’s low priority.
8.) Continue with Goofy Challenge training … if I’m able. #injurywoes
ON TRACK! Well, as much as I’m able. Thanks to a Freiburg’s Infraction, I’ve been limited to biking, pilates, upper body strength training, and the elliptical machine, but I’ve been super vigilant with my training. (More about my injury here!)
9.) Do a 30-Day Push-Up Challenge.
ON TRACK!! Only three more days to go.
10.) Complete a 30-Day Miracle Morning Challenge.
ON TRACK!! I might be discontinuing with the Miracle Morning after this challenge, seeing as how I’ve since fallen in love with the Five Minute Journal app.
11.) Read six books.
ON TRACK! Oh my gosh. The Girl on a Train is AMAZING!!!
12.) Give my personal blog, Write, Run Rejoice, a reboot.
Eh, I’ve shoved this goal to the back burner seeing as how completing it won’t be as beneficial as writing a book.
13.) Do two Monday Movies with my dad.
There’s still time, right?
14.) Follow a six-week skin renewal plan.
Not gonna happen. Why must I make goals that are impossible to follow? I’ve been better with my skin care routine, but not being perfect by missing a night here and there makes me believe the goal is not complete. It would have been better had I said five nights a week.
15.) Watch all the Gilmore Girls again before the November 25th revival!!!!
ON TRACK! One of the benefits about being stuck on the stationary bike is I can read and watch Netflix.
16.) Be packed and ready for Wine & Dine Half Marathon by Sunday, October 30th … with Monday night as a buffer!
Eh, getting a little worried about this one so I’m heading to JoAnne Fabrics today to get a few more items for my costume. And I’m giving up on being a Gimpy Gaston for the half since I’ve yet to find a red V-neck shirt that I like!
So there you go, my update. I’m doing good, but it’s going to take a lot of work having a majority of this done in a little over two weeks! We’ll be filming and posting a video about our final stats on November 1st at our YouTube channel. Be sure to subscribe for notifications!
QOTD: What are your goals for the rest of the year? And are you better at setting realistic ones than I am?
Thanks for reading, and have a joyful day!