Accountability Quest: Our Wine & Dine Goals
Goals & Motivation runDisney

Accountability Quest: Goals for Wine & Dine Half Marathon

I’ve recently participated in a training call where it was stated that “if you don’t write your goals down and have a plan, it’s just a dream”. Not that I find anything wrong with dreaming – it’s the stuff great things are made of. I’ll go back to the famous quote associated with Walt Disney, “If you can dream it, you can do it!”  Despite the arguments of whether or not Walt actually stated this himself (or if it was one of his employees), this quote helps you to understand the concept of what Laura and I are setting out to accomplish.  Being two ‘Type-A’ personalities, well actually I prefer the term of ‘driven’, we set out to make our dreams actual goals and thought that you would all like to hold us accountable. While the title may indicate only running goals, these goals are consistent with what we are trying to do at Joyful Miles – enjoy life by inspiring others one mile at a time!  Therefore, Laura and I are declaring our goals below and considering 50% achievement of them by the weekend of Wine and Dine Half-Marathon a success.

Here’s our video version. Our goals are also listed below!


1.) Reduce my stress – isn’t this everyone’s goal? In order to measure my success, I decided on the following sub-goals: a. only take on or agree to tasks/opportunities that I personally want to do or am physically able to do.

2.) Get more sleep (average more than 6 hours of sleep/night – shooting for 7 hours)

3.) Lose 5 lbs (by making healthy choices, exercise more and getting more sleep)

4.) Establish ‘better’ working hours. Since I work from home, work is always in front of me. I need to shut it down/turn off the computer.

5.) Grow Rodan + Fields business by 10% over current month by end of October.  Those Disney Races are expensive, and this is my runDisney race fund!

6.) Limit amount of time spent (notice I didn’t say wasted) on social media.

7.) Running – consistently run at least 2 short runs during the week and one long weekend run. January and Goofy will be here before I know it!

8.) Strength Train twice a week

9.) Stretching and Rolling – at least 3 times a week

10.) Declutter – I specified to Laura that this would be 2 rooms of my house (my bedroom closet and 1/4 of the basement). I’ve been working on this (in my mind) for a long time. It’s a lot of time and energy!

11.) Consistency in blog postings for Joyful Miles (ultimately meet posting schedule deadlines without constant reminders).

12.) Determine what my reward will be if I achieve at least 50% success with my goals.  While I wasn’t sure initially, I am pretty confident that this will help with Goal #1 – Reduce Stress!


My list is not realistic considering there’s now … yikes, six weeks until Wine & Dine! This is something I do constantly, making unrealistic goals that only overwhelm me and then make me feel like crap when they’re not accomplished. So I’m trying something new. the 50% rule. If I complete half of my goals, I will consider that a major win, since 100% is not possible!

And I’M LOVING this new accountability quest we’re doing because I do NOT want to film our follow up video and say crap like, “Um, yeah …. about those goals,” <<insert guilt-ridden lowered eyes.>> So here we go, my pre-W&D goals:

1.) Finish writing A Year Of Happy Endings. (Want to follow my progress? Check out my Wattpad page that’s under a pseudonym.)

2.) Get caught up with my Book Idea a Day Journal that I started in January, writing one new book idea a day.

3.) NaNoWriMo is just around the corner! I need to decide which book to write for the National Novel Writing Month, (the Super Bowl for writers,) and do all the plotting and characterization work by October 31st. (Winning NaNoWriMo will be a challenge, seeing as how we’ll be in Disney and I have a book event, but I managed to write 50,000 words in only 13 days last year. I can do that again!)

4.) Give Joyful Miles a much-needed reboot along with my co-bloggers, now that we are at the six month mark and have a better feel for our purpose.

5.) Pre-Write two months worth of content for Joyful Miles, Write Run Rejoice, and As The Eraser Burns.

6.) Complete the remaining renovation tasks for our beach house at Ocean City.

7.) Finish decorating our downstairs … which is a really long story. More on that in a separate post.

8.) Continue with Goofy Challenge training … if I’m able. #injurywoes

9.) Do a 30-Day Push-Up Challenge.

10.) Complete a 30-Day Miracle Morning Challenge.

11.) Read six books.

12.) And speaking of Write Run Rejoice, something I didn’t mention in the video is how I need to give my personal writing-based a makeover, if only by deciding on the direction I want to go.

13.) Do two Monday Movies with my dad.

14.) Follow a six-week skin renewal plan.

15.) Watch all the Gilmore Girls again in time for the new season on November 25th THAT I’M SO EXCITED ABOUT!!!!!

16.) Be packed and ready for Wine & Dine Half Marathon by Sunday, October 30th … with Monday night as a buffer!

And what’s my reward if I complete 8 of these 16 things? A new pair of Bibbidi Bobbidi Brooke ears:

Thanks for reading, and be sure to check out our Joyful Miles YouTube Channel for the video version of this post!

QOTD: What are your goals? And are you going to be running the Wine & Dine Half Marathon with us? Awesome, let us know in the comments below!

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1 Comment

  1. I’m so sad I won’t be there this year (I’m running the New York City Marathon that same weekend), but I’m hoping for next year. My you ladies have a LOT of ambitious goals! Don’t get me wrong, they sound great, but you’ve set the bar high! Good luck!

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