Earlier this year, I was looking for a way to organize all my race bibs rather than shoving them haphazardly into a shoe box. I’ve seen some awesome ways other racers have used their past bibs, such has having them made into quilts or totes, to turning them into wall art and hanging them by their treadmill as extra inspiration.
Neither had much appeal with me … I’d freak out if the quilt got dirty, so I was happy to discover the BibFOLIO® Race Bib Album! Perfect solution and thanks to my lovely father who bought me one for my birthday, I was able to neatly store all my 33 race bibs.
To make the experience more fun, I shot a video with me chatting about my absolute favorite past races from my first 5k to the Baltimore Marathon and 2016 Dopey Challenge!
QOTD: How do you store your favorite race bibs? And what were your favorite races? Please tell me all about it in the comments below.
Until then, take care and have a joyful day!
This just gave me a good Christmas gift idea. I’ve never known what to do with my bibs.
I’m really loving it! I wish I would have put the bibs in reverse order, though, so the most recent is on the top. Hope Santa brings you one! 🙂