If a credit card statement earlier this year made you clutch your chest and gasp while hollering, “I spent what????” then there’s a good chance you’ve …
Tips for Disney’s Goofy and Dopey Challenge | runDisney
I loved absolutely EVERYTHING about the 2016 WDW Dopey Challenge. The sense of community and excitement in the months prior. Being able to eat lots of cookies …
Accountability Quest: Our Goals for the WDW Goofy Challenge
Since we’re about to overload you with race recaps for Disney’s Wine & Dine and Super Heroes Half Marathon Weekend, I’m slipping in a quick post about …
2016 WDW Marathon Weekend Expo
Part of the pre-race excitement with runDisney races is attending the expo. 2016’s WDW Marathon Weekend Expo ran from January 4-7 and since I was running …